$msg\n"); } } if ($process) { $sendername = ereg_replace("[<>|\"\'\|]", "", $sendername); $ok = require_field($sendername, $sendernameerr, "Your Name", $ok); $ok = require_field($comments, $commentserr, "A Personal Note", $ok); $ok = require_field($subject, $subjecterr, "Subject", $ok); $ok = verify_email($senderemail, $senderemailerr, 1, $ok) ; $ok = verify_email($recemail, $recemailerr, 1, $ok) ; if ($ok) { $thejoke = ""; if ($targetdb) { $jokeInfo = getAJoke($jokeFileDirectory .$targetdb.".db",$n); $thejoke = $jokeInfo['joke']; } $message = "" . "\n" . " \n". nl2br(htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($comments))) . "\n

\n" . $thejoke . "\n

\n" . "\nThis joke came from the ". "$targetddesc section of " . "Mefco's Random Joke Server.

" . "Help bring a smile to the world. Please forward this message to five of your friends.

\n" . "For more jokes, or to subscribe to our mailing list, please visit us at www.RandomJoke.com.\n". "

This e-mail has been sent to you because we received a " . "specific request on our web site to send you this particular joke. " . "We apologize if you have received this in error.\n" . "

Copyright © " . "2000 Mefco, Inc. All rights reserved." . "\n\n" ; $mailcmd = "/usr/sbin/sendmail -f " . EscapeShellCmd($senderemail) . " " . EscapeShellCmd($recemail); if ($docc) { $mailcmd = $mailcmd . " " . EscapeShellCmd($senderemail); } $mp = popen($mailcmd, "w"); fputs($mp, "From: \"$sendername\" <$senderemail>\n"); fputs($mp, "To: $recemail\n"); if ($docc) { fputs($mp, "CC: \"$sendername\" <$senderemail>\n"); } fputs($mp, "Subject: ". stripslashes($subject) . "\n"); fputs($mp, "Content-Type: text/html; charset=\"us-ascii\"\n"); fputs($mp,"\n"); fputs($mp, "$message\n"); pclose($mp); setcookie("MailJokeFromName", $sendername); setcookie("MailJokeFromEmail", $senderemail); setcookie("MailJokeSubject", stripslashes($subject)); setcookie("MailJokeNote", stripslashes($comments)); header("Location: thankyou.php?db=$targetdb"); $fd = fopen(getenv("DOCUMENT_ROOT")."/../submissions/mailedjokes.log", "a"); $sendername = make_safe_for_tsv($sendername); $subject = make_safe_for_tsv(stripslashes($subject)); $comments = make_safe_for_tsv(stripslashes($comments)); fputs($fd, "$sendername\t$senderemail\t$recemail\t$subject\t$comments\t$targetdb\t$n\t". getenv(REMOTE_HOST) . "\t" . getenv(REMOTE_ADDR) . "\t" . date("m/d/y\tH:i:s") . "\n"); fclose($fd); } } else { if ($comments=="") { if($MailJokeNote != "") { $comments =$MailJokeNote; } else { $comments ="I saw this joke on http://www.RandomJoke.com/ and thought you might enjoy it."; } } if ($subject=="") { if($MailJokeSubject != "") { $subject =$MailJokeSubject; } else { $subject ="Funny joke from RandomJoke.com"; } } if ($sendername=="" && $MailJokeFromName !="") { $sendername = $MailJokeFromName; } if ($senderemail=="" && $MailJokeFromEmail !="") { $senderemail = $MailJokeFromEmail; } } ?> Mefco's Random Joke Server- Mail a Joke to a Friend
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