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A second grade teacher was teaching hew students about whales. "Even though whales are big," she explained, "Their throats are small so they eat very tiny animals called plankton."

"Can they eat people?" asked little Betty from the front row.

"No," said the teacher, "their throats are just too small to swallow a person."

Betty looked puzzled. "What about Jonah? He was eaten by a whale!"

"I'm sorry," said the teacher getting a little annoyed, "It's physically impossible for a whale to have swallowed Jonah."

Betty smiled with an idea, "I know, when I get to heaven I'll ask Jonah!"

Now the teacher was really annoyed, "What if Jonah is in hell, what will you do then?"

"Oh that's easy!" said Betty, "If he's in hell, you can ask him!"

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