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There was a sheep farmer, whose ewes kept refusing to breed with his rams. So, he went to the vet to ask him what to do.

After listening to the problem, the vet replied, that there was only one solution - he was going to have to fuck them himself, to get them used to it.

At first the farmer refused, but after the vet convinced him that nothing else would start his sheep mating, he reluctantly agreed.

The vet instructed him to load his sheep into his truck, take them to his farthest paddock, and give them all a jolly good rogering each. If it had worked, the next morning the sheep would be jumping around.

So, the farmer went and bought some Velcro gloves, loaded the sheep into the truck, took them to his farthest paddock, and gave each sheep a solid fucking.

After this, he was exhausted. He got home and went straight to sleep. He woke up the next morning, looked out the window, and the sheep were just standing there.

He called up the vet, and the vet replied that he must just have stubborn sheep, and he had to go and do it again, but this time fuck them twice each.

So, the farmer loaded all the sheep into the truck, drove to the paddock, and screwed each sheep in turn, then fucked them all a second time each. After this, he drove home again, and went straight to sleep. The next morning, he looked out the window, and the sheep were just standing there again. Thoroughly pissed off, he called the vet, to be told he had to do it again, only this time fuck them all three time each.

So, he loaded them all up into the truck, took them to the paddock, and gave them all three jolly good bollockings each. He took them back to the farm, and fell asleep.

The next morning, he was too tired to look out the window, so he told his wife to look outside, and tell him what the sheep were doing.

So, she looked outside, and her mouth dropped open in surprise.

"What are they doing?" The farmer asked.

His wife replied "they've loaded them selves into the truck, and one's in the front seat beeping the horn."

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