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Things came to a head last week and the name Monica Lewinsky is fast becoming a real mouthful at the White House. The latest news about President Clinton is definitely hard to swallow and seems certain to leave a nasty taste in the mouth of the current administration. It will be some time before all the stains resulting from this issue are removed from the Oval Office.

Monica Lewinsky has proved to be not as tight lipped as Clinton had hoped and is expected to spit out the truth to a Grand Jury tomorrow. She will surely go down in history for her orations concerning the comings and goings behind the doors of the Oval Office. Monica was apparently on her knees when she received the recent gagging order from the White House and now has to decide whether to swallow her pride and dispose of the evidence, or to succumb to the deep throated rumblings of the Washington Press Corp. and spill the issue wide open.

Any attempt by Lewinsky to suck up to Clinton can only be construed as lip service and Clinton would be advised to try and minimize the impact of this, the latest in a long series of blows he has received since coming to power. Despite this latest blow, job security for the President seems to be assured, as he can rely on his proven oral skills to promote a career in public speaking, being, as he has often shown, a cunning linguist. (Although Hillary Clinton may disagree with this, as she claims she is rarely on the end of a tongue lashing from Bill!)

Miss Lewinsky is from a naval background and her choice of Bill Clinton as a lover is somewhat surprising, given her preference for seamen. According to her lawyer, Miss Lewinsky likes to see men in power and relished the thought of taking a length of time to chew things over with the President, whenever she could fit him in. And the President was equally keen to see Miss Lewinsky, always putting on a spurt when he entered her office.

Miss Leweinsky has apparently been offered a PR job by Listerine, who described her as spunky enough for any job. Her name has also been associated with Big Gulp soda advertising and Kleenex.

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